Thursday, July 30, 2009

Cheer Camp And the Absence of Me

I just got back from cheerleading camp, and by the third day I was dying to hear about something other than boys, texting, and food (or the absence of it). I never really realized how much I depend upon my world of news, books, writing, and family. But on that third day I had to turn on Fox News and see if Obama said anything else stupid. Ooops, I should have collaborated my words differently! I didn't want to bring up the things that I am interested in, in case I sounded weird to the other girls, but then I started going crazy because I wasn't being myself. This post doesn't really have a main point except that, even if you are in a group of people that are totally different than you, be yourself or you will go insane! There will always be other people that have things in common with you. Whether you are really out there or more laid back just know that there will be at least one other person like you out there. So, until you find them, just be yourself so that you can find them. I guess what I am trying to say is that if you act like someone else to get friends that you will like, it won't happen. Period. Especially in high school. It may be hard to find others that have the same interests as you, but don't give up!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Obama taking over the nation

My dad and I watched President Obama's conference that is widely known today across America. Immediately when the president said that the police acted "stupidly", we knew that there would be big trouble. Obviously, the policemen were insulted and angry. Now, a lot of people have already written about this and I can see why, but it has overpowered another insulting aspect of Obama's words. (He just can't keep his mouth shut about stuff he doesn't know!) I was amazed when he accused doctors, in general across the nation, of not doing what they know is best for the patient, but doing what will bring in more money. I am just wondering how he knows this is true. He sure said it as such. He's probably just assuming that another one of his cheating friends from Chicago is just like every other doctor across the nation, too. Now, I don't know this for sure, but at least I am not saying it to the whole nation as fact and as the President of the United Sates! But then again, the White House is no longer the house of the American people but his house, and his lawn, and his czars (I mean "his personal advising cabinet above cabinet"), and his press, and he is God so I guess he can say this without knowing whether it is true or not. Along with passing bills he hasn't read, closing Guantanamo Bay, befriending and submitting to terrorists, opening the border, taking over health care, raising taxes through the roof, and, you know, just taking over the nation and telling everyone what they can and cannot do, Obama has really brought about change we can believe in!

Monday, July 20, 2009

5 Things To Know About Writing

1. Write for yourself. Do not try to please others in your writing. Write what you like and how you like. Every writer, just like every artist, has their own little touch. Be yourself in your writing, but do not mix this up with not having to take criticism or learn from other writers. That can help you be a well-rounded writer, too.
2. Charles Dickens once said that a writer must have the discipline of a soldier and the imagination of a child. Writing is hard and you have to work at it for a long time. Having the imagination of a child will help you come up with storylines easily, because you don't have to have any barriers. The whole world is open to you and at your fingertips when you are a child.
3. This one is my weakness. Learn to take criticism well. You can't afford to be spending your time moping about your writing getting torn to pieces. What you can afford to do is spend your time making it better so no one can shred it. The way that I feel sometimes is that I spent so much time on a work, then when someone critiques it so completely, I feel like it was a waste. Take it, not as someone trying to tear you down, but as someone lifting you up and making you better.
4. Just write. Write regularily and stick to it. This goes back to having the discipline of a soldier. Set a time for yourself when you know you will be focused and alert and able to get a lot done. Another point with this one is that when you hit a point when you don't know what to do next, write another part. If you are stuck on a chapter, skip to the next one, or write another part that you already have structured. Just write something!
5. Be patient. Know that your first works will probably not get published or even noticed by anyone. Don't expect results with the first 10 things. Refering back to 4, just write them. And refering back to 2, along with the discipline of a soldier, you have to have the heart of one also. Plow your way into writing and only care about that, not what others are going to do or say about it. Make yourself reach your goals. Set high standards for yourself and reach them. Some people just aren't cut out for writing, but you won't know until you try, try, and try again.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Guys and music- same dif?

Finding a good guy for a good relationship is like finding one of your favorite songs. Every girl has her own type of guy she likes just like she has her own type of songs.
Some guys are like new popular songs that catch your eye for a while but then kind of fade when the new best thing comes out. It can be nice to know these guys as friends, but always take your time and find out who they really are first.
Other guys can be like good classics that never get old. If after a while you feel like that is the kinda guy he is, then you could try to have a more serious relationship with him. He'll never bore you!
Remember! Even if your sister or friend really like one genre of guy, that doesn't mean you have to like him too. But it is always helpfull to take feedback on your choices from your family and friends. This prevents fights about a guy they know isn't good for you. Parents and others older than you are just trying to help you using their experience, not pick a fight everytime the topic of guys comes up.
Every while just take some time to sit back and "listen to some tunes" find out or remember what sort of guy gets your attention. Sometimes you may like all different genres and artists. Everyone is different.
All in all apply these three tips in searching for a guy.
1. find out which kind of "song" you like
2. take time to discover what he's really like with you and others
3. and willfully take advice from your family and friends. Especially your parents - they know what's best for you!

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Everyone is talking about it. It even has people reading again! And Edward's good looks aren't really detering anyone. You probably already know what I'm talking about. Twilight. I think that with it being a series it really has people interested. Mainly teenage girls. But who can resist a blood-sucking, extremely powerful vampire? I mean they're totally in this season. What can I write about it that others haven't already written? Well first of all I can genuinely say that I am excited for New Moon to come out. I haven't read the books, just because it is such a fad. And i probably couldn't if i tried. They are all checked out at the library. But I really want to see your comments on the books and movie. I don't know much about it. So please comment!

High school pressure

It may seem like everyone is doing it, and in all actuality, most teens probably are. Sometimes it can be easy to fall into the status quo of parties, drinking, drugs, and sex. And difficult to remember why you decided to stay away from all of them. Here are a couple points to help the teens out there keep their decision strong.
I'll be blunt. For one, you won't have to worry about condoms, birth-control, abortions, or having a baby when you are just plain not ready. Many teens think that pregnancy could never happen to them, and if they get pregnant, they can just get an abortion. Right? No. Both of these occurances can be life changing an depressing, so just stay away from it all together.
Imagine this, you're at a party, and you know some drinking is going on, but you think you're okay because you yourself aren't drinking anything. Then some guys get roudy in the hall and one of them looks at you. When he walks over, you can tell by his breath that he's been drinking, a lot.
Okay, stop. You have two choices. Either stay, and see what happens. Hey, it could be an exciting night! Or leave right now before something really goes wrong.
In the end you know what the better choice is. You will feel in control of yourself and much better that you didn't fall into the traps of alcohol, drugs, or sex.
Point number two. You, along with others, will be proud of yourself. A lot of kids do this stuff and don't tell their parents, but still live with the guilt. You can be proud of yourself and guilt free if you stay to the rules and goals you and your parents set for you.
Remember that talk your dad had with you about how proud he is of you? And how glad he is that you aren't like a lot of kids your age, because he knows you love him and your mom so much and you would never do anything to hurt them? Yeah. And remember how guilty you felt when you realized he wouldn't be oh-so-proud-dad if he really knew what you were up to?
Again, just stay away from it. It can be extremely hard to do so, but in the end isn't it worth it?
That brings me to my last point. Later in life you will have set a good example for your kids. You can plan to have a child when you are settled down and able to support one. When they get to be teens, you can explain to them how much better you felt. And just how proud you were of yourself when you pleased your family, and had time to focus on other things like friends, sports, acedemics, college, and a carreer.