Friday, August 21, 2009

ASPEN- Chapter Two

Chapter two of Aspen. Please tell me what you think, and don't forget to read next week's post, as the plot thickens!
Chapter Two-Caroline (C)
That day when Aspen disappeared, I didn’t know what to do with myself. I mean I yelled her name right after she went. And that was the weird thing, she just vanished, poof, gone, it wasn’t like anyone took her or she walked off. One second she was there going to get some more stones and the next she was gone. I really started to flip out when she didn’t come back. When my dad came out, I tried to explain to him what happened but I couldn’t. “She just disappeared. She went to get stones and she was gone,” I stammered in between sobbing and trying to think.
“Whoa, honey, just slow down. Tell me the whole story,” he said putting an arm around me. I told him everything that happened from when Aspen walked out of the house to when she was completely gone. “You call 911 and I’ll call her parents. We’ll get this straightened out,” my dad was always reassuring.
I called 911 on my cell. I basically told them that my friend disappeared and to send police right away. We were out at the lake which was half an hour from any people, but the police got there pretty quickly. Aspen’s family came as soon as they could too. I explained my story to the police several times. They all looked at me like I was crazy, but they said they would try to do all that they could to get her back. They made the Roses believe that Aspen would be back, but I didn’t believe them. I couldn’t. Not when I had seen her evaporate right before my eyes. I didn’t believe she would ever come back. Ever. That is a long time.
The next day Aspen’s family hired a detective that was all official and the whole shebang. He seemed pretty up-tight at first, but then when he asked me about what I saw and exactly what happened, he actually believed me. He sat down in his chair and frowned, looking like he was thinking really hard. He had black hair and big, sad eyes . He seemed about thirty to me. And he was pretty smart too. “I get cases like this all the time,” he said to Aspen’s parents when I had finished my story for the billionth time.
“Really?” asked Mrs. Rose.
He leaned forward for emphasis, “Oh, yes. You see, I handle cases that have one aspect out of the ordinary. Like odd disappearances, strange sightings, things like that. Once you’ve seen a few, the rest are all the same, and generally easy to solve. Once you release the barriers of impossibility, logic comes to the surface. Sherlock Holmes said something to that effect. It is rather difficult to believe, but there is logic behind this impossible occurrence. I will do all I can to finish this puzzle and find your daughter. It is not an impossible task,” once he had finished this speech Aspen’s parents stood up.
“You have no idea how reassuring that is to hear,” Mr. Rose said, shaking his hand.
“Yes, thank you. This has already helped so much,” Aspen’s mom said as she took her husband’s hand and walked out.
“Caroline, can I speak with you for a moment?” he asked me.
“Sure,” I said sitting back down. “What did you want to say?”
“Well, I didn’t want to say this to Aspen’s parents because I’m not exactly positive about it, but I am pretty sure,” he paused.
“Well, what is it?” I was desperate to find any way to get my friend back.
“This case is a little out of the ordinary, even for me. But I think that Aspen... Aspen fell into the fourth dimension,” he said looking at me wondering how I would respond.
“Is this some sort of joke to you? Do you think my story isn’t real? I want to get Aspen back just as much as her family, and I don’t need you making fun of me!” I yelled, standing up.
“No, no! I’m not making fun of you. I seriously believe this, and I told you, this case is out of the ordinary. Please, Caroline, sit down,” I sat since he didn’t seem like he was making fun of me.
I said one short word, “How?”
“Well, scientists and mathematicians have studied this for a long time, and they firmly believe that there is an... active fourth dimension. You see, it is almost like a black hole on earth. It opens for a fraction of a moment and in that mille-second acts as a black hole, sucking in all in its reach. It is phenomenal that your friend should have stood in that exact spot at that precise time. Now, we don’t know where this leads to or what it does to a person. But we do have a clue, you see, just like some people disappear this way some come this way. People have just shown up suddenly at seemingly random locations and times. All these people have claimed to have come from some time in the past. Most have been sent to insane asylums and such...”
“Wait,” I said, sitting at the edge of my seat. “So, you’re saying that Aspen fell into a sort of hole or mix up in the dimensions and time traveled?”
He thought for a moment, “Yes.”

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