Sunday, November 1, 2009

ASPEN- Chapter Six

Chapter Six-Robin
Aspen and Leland had started to spend more and more time together over the next few weeks, and I wasn’t sure what I felt about it. I was at a loss of what to think.
Will Scarlet came up to me once when they returned from a walk and nodded at them grinning, “Young love. Such a sweet thing,” I looked at him out of the corner of my eye.
“I suppose you could say that. What should I do about it, Will,” I knew that I could trust Will. He was, of course, one of my few confidants.
“Leave it. Well, no. Talk to Leland. Just see how he responds. Then leave it,” I knew Will Scarlet did not have much knowledge of these things, so I asked a few others. I was the leader of the camp and I felt the need to do something. But just what was the right thing?
“Marian?” I came to her after my talk with Will. “You have noticed Aspen and Leland spending so much time together, haven’t you?”
“What, darling? Oh, yes, isn’t it just adorable? They are so charming together. What about it?”
“Well, don’t you think I should do something?”
“Like what, Robin? They are perfectly fine. Personally, I think it is sweet that they caught on so well. If Leland comes to you just answer him truthfully as you would to me. But I suggest not going to him. Just let him know that you are there if he wants to talk to you about anything,” now how was I going to do that? I love Marian, but sometimes a man has got to take things into his own hands. This was one of those times.
“Leland,” I said on one of the occasions when he and Aspen came back from archery. “May I have a word with you?” he walked over. It was evident by the look on his face that he was still thinking about Aspen. He had a goofy smile plastered on his face and an extremely dreamy look in his eyes.
“Yes, Robin?” he asked, still in another world.
“Leland, you are in love,” that got him to look at me clearly.
“I’m not... I mean I can’t be... in love? I mean I like her. Who wouldn’t? She’s kind, caring, charming, smart... beautiful,” he glanced down then looked back up with a flushed face. “What should I do?”
“Well, my opinion is to not leave her guessing. Tell her.”
“How am I supposed to do that?” he asked looking confused.
“We will do a little role play. You can be her and I will be you. Now, let us begin. I walk up to you,” I said walking to him slowly. “Aspen, I love you,” he raised an eyebrow, then really got into his character.
“Oh, Leland! I love you, too,” he said airily. “Let’s get married. Yes, Friar Tuck can marry us right now and we will live happily ever after,” he looked at me to see how I would respond.
“Leland, this is supposed to be realistic role play.”
He looked at me innocently, “I know,” I sighed.
“Let’s try this again. Now you can be you and I will be Aspen. Begin.”
“Aspen, I... I think...”
“No, never say ‘I think’ in a situation like this. Make it known and evident that you are serious.”
“Alright, Aspen, I love you. Now, from what you tell me of your home I do not know how I will ask your father, but I will ask you. Will you marry me?” I was slightly stunned.
“Yes,” I heard from behind me. I whipped around to see Aspen standing there. “Yes, I will marry you. Yes, yes, yes, yes!” she ran to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Yes,” she whispered.
“You were there the whole time?” Leland asked.
“Yes,” she turned to me. “Oh, Robin, couldn’t Friar Tuck marry us? Soon?”
“I... well... I think...”
“Never say ‘I think’ in a situation like this,” she laughed.
“Yes, I believe he could,” I managed to say.

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