Saturday, July 18, 2009

High school pressure

It may seem like everyone is doing it, and in all actuality, most teens probably are. Sometimes it can be easy to fall into the status quo of parties, drinking, drugs, and sex. And difficult to remember why you decided to stay away from all of them. Here are a couple points to help the teens out there keep their decision strong.
I'll be blunt. For one, you won't have to worry about condoms, birth-control, abortions, or having a baby when you are just plain not ready. Many teens think that pregnancy could never happen to them, and if they get pregnant, they can just get an abortion. Right? No. Both of these occurances can be life changing an depressing, so just stay away from it all together.
Imagine this, you're at a party, and you know some drinking is going on, but you think you're okay because you yourself aren't drinking anything. Then some guys get roudy in the hall and one of them looks at you. When he walks over, you can tell by his breath that he's been drinking, a lot.
Okay, stop. You have two choices. Either stay, and see what happens. Hey, it could be an exciting night! Or leave right now before something really goes wrong.
In the end you know what the better choice is. You will feel in control of yourself and much better that you didn't fall into the traps of alcohol, drugs, or sex.
Point number two. You, along with others, will be proud of yourself. A lot of kids do this stuff and don't tell their parents, but still live with the guilt. You can be proud of yourself and guilt free if you stay to the rules and goals you and your parents set for you.
Remember that talk your dad had with you about how proud he is of you? And how glad he is that you aren't like a lot of kids your age, because he knows you love him and your mom so much and you would never do anything to hurt them? Yeah. And remember how guilty you felt when you realized he wouldn't be oh-so-proud-dad if he really knew what you were up to?
Again, just stay away from it. It can be extremely hard to do so, but in the end isn't it worth it?
That brings me to my last point. Later in life you will have set a good example for your kids. You can plan to have a child when you are settled down and able to support one. When they get to be teens, you can explain to them how much better you felt. And just how proud you were of yourself when you pleased your family, and had time to focus on other things like friends, sports, acedemics, college, and a carreer.

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