Friday, November 20, 2009

ASPEN- Chapter Nine

Chapter Nine- C
"Jack?" I called from my end of the tent we were putting up.
"I don't know about this..." I stopped.
"What do you mean?" he asked as he glanced over the tarp at me.
"I'm... I'm scared."
"Don't be. It's an exciting new adventure," he smiled.
"That's easy for you to say. What are you leaving behind? Who in this world and time cares about you? More importantly, who do you care about?"
"My clients," his smile was gone, "and right now, that's Aspen. I need to go where she is and bring her home to her family."
"You've got a strong sense of duty," I murmered.
"I suppose you could say that. But what about you? What is your duty and who in this world do you care for?"
"I guess my duty is to find Aspen, too. And she's my best friend, but I'm still afraid. I don't want to do this! It's going against everything, my mind, my better judgement."
"Perhaps, but what about your heart?"
"Not that," I frowned, "but Woods, what if she doesn't want to come home? What if she's fine where she is?"
"I highly doubt that, Caroline. Even if that is the case, we will never know unless we find her."
"I guess," I thought about who I was leaving, perhaps forever, "and, as you were saying before, I'll miss my mom and dad, brother, and my boyfriend."
"Oh, tell me about them. No matter how painful it is, you need to keep reminding yourself of why you want to come back. Who you are coming back for. Once we are there (wherever there is) and need to return, will power will be our main force besides the science and math we have already applied. Tell me what you like about them."
"My mom and dad are very caring. I mean, yeah, we get in fights sometimes, but everyone does, right?"
"True. All have quarelles in their days, even with those they love, but few have true love which helps them forgive."
"That sounds like it came straight from a famous author like Shakespeare or Austen," I said, smiling. He had gotten me in a slightly better mood.
"Nope, that is pure Jack Woods. You may quote me if you'd like," he grinned, "But we keep straying from the point. Tell me more about your family."
"Oh, right. Like I said, my parents are caring and they give me and my brother the best they can. My brother is eighteen, two years older than me. He teases me a lot, but I know it's just because he loves me. And my boyfriend. His name is Zack. He's an artist, and he's drawn loads of pictures. They're pretty good. And then there's Aspen..." I paused, taking a long shuddering breath. "She's been such a great friend for the longest time. I just miss her," he came over and gave me a hug.
"It'll be all right. We'll go and get her and bring her home. You'll see."
"I just hate not knowing where she is," I sobbed.
"I know."
"But you don't!" I pulled away. "You don't know what it's like. You yourself said that you never really had any long-lasting, serious relationships with anyone."
"Who do you think ended all of the small, short relationships I did have? Not me! I loved and was crushed and loved again until I had no more love to give. Caroline, just because I seem like a man who had no life and no love to you, that doesn't mean I was always that way. I did love. I did care. I did know. So don't you dare judge me," he strode off quickly, leaving me dumbfounded.
"That is Jane Austen," I muttered.

Monday, November 2, 2009

ASPEN- Chapter Eight

Chapter Eight-C
After about a week of deliberating, debating, and thinking Inspector Woods and I decided that we should go to the site of Aspen's disappearance and sort of scope it out. We had packed his car full of food and clothes. We were prepared for an elongated study of the fourth dimension.
"I am so intrigued by this opportunity to discover one of the points that the fourth dimension touches in this three dimensional world," he said while driving us out there.
"Okay well don't get your hopes up. I'm not so sure I want to be there when it opens up or whatever it does. I don't really want to get chucked into another time or worse. The only reason I'm doing this is because it's going towards finding Aspen," all I could think was that this guy was a huge weirdo. I mean I could understand his talk, it wasn't that hard, but gosh what a dork.
"What do we do if we get... you know pulled into the fourth dimension?" I asked.
"Go along for the ride."
"You were the one that said that there were so many dangers and effects of the fourth dimension that could possibly KILL us!" he nodded eagerly, "So why are you so enthused to test them out. I'm pretty sure no one's insurance covers time travel."
"Because the chance of us catching that instantaneous rip in that dimension is one out of a zillion. It seems to me that it should be quite impossible that your friend ended up doing so, especially on accident."
"Alright. Still if Aspen found that one in a zillion chance that means that even though it is highly improbable, it is still possible for us to find it too. What is our game plan for that one in another zillion?"
"Well if we die, we do not really need a game plan, I think that is one of the few situations in which all you can do is go along for the ride. If we don't, we find out what time we are in, where we are, and if Aspen landed there."
"Good plan. And, dude, really? Take off the weird spy glasses. They make you look like a bug," I said once we pulled up to the cabin. He pulled them off of his face quickly and tossed them in the back seat. He looked hurt.
"Nice place," he said, shutting his door.
"Thanks. Now do you want to see this portal thing or not?"
"Yes please, where was she about?" I walked over to the edge of the trees and looked in. Then I backed up to where I had been standing when she disappeared. I again walked towards the woods and walked in about fifteen feet.
"Right here," I said. He walked to the spot. And sat there for a second frowning at the ground where I had pointed.
"Why such a random location?"
"Nothing in nature is random. There must be a reason it is here."
"Good thinking. Now we can discover why here or we can test the portal, and possibly find out if it is still active."
"I go with the second."
"I also. Now let's begin," we decided that we would place something on the spot, but have it be big enough so that if my estimate of the spot was off we would still be in the neighborhood. We agreed on a tarp he had in his trunk. We staked it to the ground. Then we would stay at the cabin and look every once in a while to see if it was still there. It sounds really simple and kind of stupid, but hey it worked. After about a week the tarp was gone.
That day at breakfast we talked about what to do, "We can either put something else there and see if it goes too, or we can go there ourselves and see where we end up," I suggested.
"I say we time travel," he said sipping some coffee.
"Well, what if a bear just took it or something, though. I mean couldn't that be a possibility?"
"I suppose so, but I checked the area and there were no signs of animal intrusion. I don't think animals had anything to do with it," he said.
"Oh, well you can start putting up the tent out there, and remember once we're out there, there is no coming back. We need to stay near the spot because we still don't know how big it is exactly, so stock up on food and stuff."
"Okay, I think I will have to go shopping for more food then," he said as he stood up, pushed his chair in, dumped the rest of his coffee down the sink, grabbed his keys and walked out the door.
I had been thinking about what he was really like. I had discovered that his first name was Jack. He was weird, nerdy, dorky, and completely not cool, but... well there was something more than that. Don't get me wrong, I didn't start liking him or something. But he was brave at heart. With that much time on our hands, we talked a lot. He had said that he figured he would never get married, he hardly ever had any relationships, because of his work he explained, and those he did have were short and never worked out. He said he didn't mind, since all he had ever wanted to do was be an inspector and solve cases. So he figured he had all he needed or wanted. I could tell that he wanted more from life, but he didn't know who could give it to him. I had started to feel kind of bad for the guy. But the main thing on my mind was finding Aspen. I cared about her more than this new guy even if he was a sad dude.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

ASPEN- Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven-Aspen
I knew that in my time I wouldn’t have been allowed to marry someone at the age of sixteen, but... Well, it was different with Leland. I don’t know how to say it, but when we talked we had so many of the same ideas and goals for our lives. We just struck something up in each other. It sounded like the movies and I looked like a teenager who did something really stupid just because she could. But that is not what it was like at all. I loved Leland so deeply that I cannot explain it. And it was not just infatuation. I was just thankful that my case would not look so unusual to the people in Leland’s time. After all couples back then were married at our age. Some younger. I knew I would have a good life with Leland. Especially since it didn’t look like I was going home any time soon. You have to remember that it had been weeks for me to get to know him and we had spent almost all of that time together. I was so unsure of how to get home and even though I loved my parents and C I didn't really have anyone else to miss. No boyfriend, no real friends, and not many relatives that I knew.

ASPEN- Chapter Six

Chapter Six-Robin
Aspen and Leland had started to spend more and more time together over the next few weeks, and I wasn’t sure what I felt about it. I was at a loss of what to think.
Will Scarlet came up to me once when they returned from a walk and nodded at them grinning, “Young love. Such a sweet thing,” I looked at him out of the corner of my eye.
“I suppose you could say that. What should I do about it, Will,” I knew that I could trust Will. He was, of course, one of my few confidants.
“Leave it. Well, no. Talk to Leland. Just see how he responds. Then leave it,” I knew Will Scarlet did not have much knowledge of these things, so I asked a few others. I was the leader of the camp and I felt the need to do something. But just what was the right thing?
“Marian?” I came to her after my talk with Will. “You have noticed Aspen and Leland spending so much time together, haven’t you?”
“What, darling? Oh, yes, isn’t it just adorable? They are so charming together. What about it?”
“Well, don’t you think I should do something?”
“Like what, Robin? They are perfectly fine. Personally, I think it is sweet that they caught on so well. If Leland comes to you just answer him truthfully as you would to me. But I suggest not going to him. Just let him know that you are there if he wants to talk to you about anything,” now how was I going to do that? I love Marian, but sometimes a man has got to take things into his own hands. This was one of those times.
“Leland,” I said on one of the occasions when he and Aspen came back from archery. “May I have a word with you?” he walked over. It was evident by the look on his face that he was still thinking about Aspen. He had a goofy smile plastered on his face and an extremely dreamy look in his eyes.
“Yes, Robin?” he asked, still in another world.
“Leland, you are in love,” that got him to look at me clearly.
“I’m not... I mean I can’t be... in love? I mean I like her. Who wouldn’t? She’s kind, caring, charming, smart... beautiful,” he glanced down then looked back up with a flushed face. “What should I do?”
“Well, my opinion is to not leave her guessing. Tell her.”
“How am I supposed to do that?” he asked looking confused.
“We will do a little role play. You can be her and I will be you. Now, let us begin. I walk up to you,” I said walking to him slowly. “Aspen, I love you,” he raised an eyebrow, then really got into his character.
“Oh, Leland! I love you, too,” he said airily. “Let’s get married. Yes, Friar Tuck can marry us right now and we will live happily ever after,” he looked at me to see how I would respond.
“Leland, this is supposed to be realistic role play.”
He looked at me innocently, “I know,” I sighed.
“Let’s try this again. Now you can be you and I will be Aspen. Begin.”
“Aspen, I... I think...”
“No, never say ‘I think’ in a situation like this. Make it known and evident that you are serious.”
“Alright, Aspen, I love you. Now, from what you tell me of your home I do not know how I will ask your father, but I will ask you. Will you marry me?” I was slightly stunned.
“Yes,” I heard from behind me. I whipped around to see Aspen standing there. “Yes, I will marry you. Yes, yes, yes, yes!” she ran to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Yes,” she whispered.
“You were there the whole time?” Leland asked.
“Yes,” she turned to me. “Oh, Robin, couldn’t Friar Tuck marry us? Soon?”
“I... well... I think...”
“Never say ‘I think’ in a situation like this,” she laughed.
“Yes, I believe he could,” I managed to say.

ASPEN- Chapter Five

Chapter Five-Aspen
I talked to Leland the next day after I had gotten a good night’s sleep, “Leland, were are we?” he looked at me quizzically.
“Sherwood Forest near the town of Nottingham in the kingdom of England belonging to King Richard the Lionheart currently ruled by the wretched Prince John,” I sat down, confounded. He sat next to me. “What is it?”
“Leland Turner, if that information is correct, you are looking at the latest time traveler from hundreds of years into the future. I don’t know how it is possible, but it must have happened,” he looked at me, stunned.
“Are you alright? Are you sure you didn’t hit your head in the night or something of the sort?”
“I am perfectly fine, but what I am trying to tell you is that I accidentally time traveled and landed here.”
“I know my knowledge does not fail me and that you look like a sane person. I believe you. Now what do we do?” I was pretty surprised at his trust and believing.
“I don’t want to tell anyone else, because I don’t want to get looked at as an imbecile or insane maniac. Right now I don’t want to try going back to my time, because first of all I have no idea where I would start, second I may mess it up, third, I may sound nasty toward my family, but I want to spend some time here first before going home. I’m not sure I want to go back just yet.”
“I understand,” I looked at him and smiled. “What?” he asked looking embarrassed.

Monday, October 26, 2009

ASPEN- Chapter Four

Chapter Four-Inspector Woods
I was completely convinced that Aspen had gone back in time through a portal in the fourth dimension. But I had no idea what had happened to her. Her being could be ripped apart or crushed by the instantaneous change in pressure, she could have survived, she could be anywhere in any time. Just that thought was difficult to bear, even for me, so I decided that I would not tell her family. I only told Caroline for her to know what was happening. She would be the only one who would really believe me, because she, herself, saw Aspen disappear. She would be the only one that could help me.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Study Tips

You may be having questions about how to get better grades, how to make your time more effective, how to get all the things done you need to, yet still do all the things you want to. Well, here are all the answers.
When should you study? Figure out the time that you are most alert, awake, and able to remember things. This puts the time you do have to good use. This is different for everyone, but I suggest not putting it off until 2:30 a.m.
Where should you study? Find a quiet well lit area, free of distractions in order to get as much stuff done as possible.
What should you study? It is extremely hard and takes up way too much valuable time to study and memorize everything. So pay attention in class to find out just the main points to review.
What is the easiest way to remember things? TAKE NOTES. Even if your teacher doesn’t require it, do it. Just writing things down helps you remember them 80% better. I also suggest making flash cards, highlighting main points, or just plain reviewing things (even just a little bit) at every possible point. Try these tips out to see which one works best for you.
How can you be organized? Forgetting where you put the assignment or when it’s due is the most common mistake a student makes. And this is also one of the biggest things to set back your grade. Make yourself a system. Whether it is color-coded or alphabetical, if you stick to it, it is practically fool-proof. Write things down, too, so you won’t forget.
How can you study effectively? Fuel up for studying with a quick snack before, then just follow the previous tips and you should be good.
How to set priorities? Do things that are due earlier first. If you know a project or paper is going to take up a lot of time. Split it up into steps and do one each night. That way it will turn out better than it would if you did it all the night before and hurried through it. Review a little each day to remember stuff easier. If you do this, studying for a test won’t be so hard or take so long.
If you’re like me and you need music to be on for you to work, then create a playlist or get a favorite CD. Just don’t YouTube, because then you’ll spend more time finding different songs then you will spend working.
Follow these guidelines in your studying and you’ll find that your grades get better, you feel like you have more time on your hands, and receive less stress from homework.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

First Day of School

I just had my first day at high school. Wow that was... what can I say? Special? Astonishing? Scary? I would say all three. I went to a private middle school, so I know absolutely no one. I can tell that all the freshmen are so self-conscious. Me included. Did you ever have the experience, (perhaps, like me, at the beginning of high school) where you think ,"Hey, I'm -fill in the blank- I can do this,"? And imagine yourself being really outgoing and telling everyone your name and that whole shebang, but then ending up tripping or just walking the completely opposite way? Talk about embarrassing! But it happens to all of us. Being a teen can be really hard socially. Just remember, when you are in a new setting and thinking that everyone is looking down at you and scrutinizing every detail, they feel the exact same way. Who cares if your purse doesn't match your shirt. Most likely- only you. The only people that notice that and point it out to their friends are insecure themselves. They just want to feel like they are cool and 'all that' and that you are a dork (below their social status). Who cares if you have socks that go about an inch higher than everyone else's? Most likely- only you. Who cares if your tee-shirt is a little too big. Most likely- only you. Who cares if your jeans are an inch above the ground instead of having five inches dragging behind? Most likely- only you. Do you get my point? The main thing is that no one is really looking down on you (although it may feel that way) they all think that you are looking down on them. So don't get yourself down.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

ASPEN- Chapter Three

Chapter Three-Aspen
I sort of walked around for a while, trying to get my bearings. I might add that I was so loud I couldn’t hear anything when I was walking. There were bushes and shrubs everywhere. Then, at one point, I saw a deer. Me! I saw a deer. It was only about 20 feet away from me so I stopped moving and just stood really still.
It was interesting just watching it go about its business. Occasionally looking up and around then going back to eating from a patch of grass.
Then an arrow came whizzing through the air from behind me and hit it right in the chest. I gave a startled cry while I whipped around to see who shot it. “Sorry you had to see that, miss,” said a guy just about my age while he walked past me to the deer. He was about 6 feet tall and strongly built yet quick and nimble. He had dark hair and light eyes and was slightly tanned.
I just stood there for a moment. I was stunned first of all because I have never seen anything more than a bug die in my life. Second, this guy was weird! I mean he had an old-fashioned arrow and everything. Along with the full out green costume. “What leads you out here?” he asked. “No one comes to these parts, save for Robin Hood and his men,” the stunned look on my face soon turned to a confused grin.
I laughed, “You’re kidding, right? I mean you aren’t serious about the whole Robin Hood and merry men thing?”
“I am completely serious,” he frowned. “What strange dress. I’ve seen none like it before,” he said gesturing to my flip-flops and t-shirt along with my jeans and purse. “It is all very... colorful,” he laughed.
“I don’t see anything to laugh at,” I said crossing my arms and standing very tall. I relaxed, thinking about how hungry I was. “You don’t happen to have any food? I mean, besides that?” I said slowly, pointing to the doe before me.
“Oh, how rude of me. Here, since you do not seem to believe me, I will show you my Robin Hood and his merry men to boot. And yes, we do have food other than this,” he held out his hand. I looked at it. “Sorry, madam, but you did not seem the most graceful back there,” he was right. I took it, letting him guide me through the underbrush to his camp.
I was amazed at how organized the camp was. And how authentic everything seemed. I did not think that I was at the lake, or anywhere near it for that matter. “And this here is the one and only Sir Robin Hood himself,” he said with a flourish. Robin stood up. He was exactly how I would have imagined him. Oh, he was so tall and strong and handsome! He had bright, green, laughing eyes, and sandy hair, and he was wearing his famous hat with a feather in it. I think I melted at the sight of him.
“What be the name of our beautiful visitor?” he asked me.
“A... Aspen. Aspen Rose,” I managed to stammer.
“A charming name for a charming girl,” he said as he glanced at my clothing with a not-too-well-hidden smile. “Do you wish to have new apparel? I don’t mean to insult you, but those are the oddest things I have ever seen on a human, and they are ripped to shreds,” he sounded like my mom. He laughed as I rolled my eyes.
“What do you have?” I asked. I really was curious now because I had never seen anything like this... different world. I figured, hey what do I have to lose?
“Well, all we have really is extra men’s clothes, but they are clean and in good shape,” I thought it would be fun to sort of play dress up since I was here. Don’t ask why, but I got a sort of childlike mentality all of a sudden and I really wanted to see how I would look in old fashioned Robin Hood clothes. They set up my own tent and everything. It was actually pretty nice. Not really what I would have thought. I had so much fun making the green tights and shirt look feminine. In the end it was a knee-length dress that had the tights cut at mid-shin like leggings and a belt going across my middle. I cut the top to drape across one shoulder. And don’t forget the green shoes. They were like cute little moccasins. I was very pleased with myself indeed.
“Now for food,” I said as I walked back to Robin and the others. They had boar’s snout, roasted hare and pheasant, and the King’s venison. I opted for the candy bar in my purse. The name of the one I had met earlier was Leland Turner. I turned to him once to find him looking at me. He turned away quickly, blushing, I looked down and smiled. Maybe spending a while here wouldn’t be so bad.

Friday, August 21, 2009

ASPEN- Chapter Two

Chapter two of Aspen. Please tell me what you think, and don't forget to read next week's post, as the plot thickens!
Chapter Two-Caroline (C)
That day when Aspen disappeared, I didn’t know what to do with myself. I mean I yelled her name right after she went. And that was the weird thing, she just vanished, poof, gone, it wasn’t like anyone took her or she walked off. One second she was there going to get some more stones and the next she was gone. I really started to flip out when she didn’t come back. When my dad came out, I tried to explain to him what happened but I couldn’t. “She just disappeared. She went to get stones and she was gone,” I stammered in between sobbing and trying to think.
“Whoa, honey, just slow down. Tell me the whole story,” he said putting an arm around me. I told him everything that happened from when Aspen walked out of the house to when she was completely gone. “You call 911 and I’ll call her parents. We’ll get this straightened out,” my dad was always reassuring.
I called 911 on my cell. I basically told them that my friend disappeared and to send police right away. We were out at the lake which was half an hour from any people, but the police got there pretty quickly. Aspen’s family came as soon as they could too. I explained my story to the police several times. They all looked at me like I was crazy, but they said they would try to do all that they could to get her back. They made the Roses believe that Aspen would be back, but I didn’t believe them. I couldn’t. Not when I had seen her evaporate right before my eyes. I didn’t believe she would ever come back. Ever. That is a long time.
The next day Aspen’s family hired a detective that was all official and the whole shebang. He seemed pretty up-tight at first, but then when he asked me about what I saw and exactly what happened, he actually believed me. He sat down in his chair and frowned, looking like he was thinking really hard. He had black hair and big, sad eyes . He seemed about thirty to me. And he was pretty smart too. “I get cases like this all the time,” he said to Aspen’s parents when I had finished my story for the billionth time.
“Really?” asked Mrs. Rose.
He leaned forward for emphasis, “Oh, yes. You see, I handle cases that have one aspect out of the ordinary. Like odd disappearances, strange sightings, things like that. Once you’ve seen a few, the rest are all the same, and generally easy to solve. Once you release the barriers of impossibility, logic comes to the surface. Sherlock Holmes said something to that effect. It is rather difficult to believe, but there is logic behind this impossible occurrence. I will do all I can to finish this puzzle and find your daughter. It is not an impossible task,” once he had finished this speech Aspen’s parents stood up.
“You have no idea how reassuring that is to hear,” Mr. Rose said, shaking his hand.
“Yes, thank you. This has already helped so much,” Aspen’s mom said as she took her husband’s hand and walked out.
“Caroline, can I speak with you for a moment?” he asked me.
“Sure,” I said sitting back down. “What did you want to say?”
“Well, I didn’t want to say this to Aspen’s parents because I’m not exactly positive about it, but I am pretty sure,” he paused.
“Well, what is it?” I was desperate to find any way to get my friend back.
“This case is a little out of the ordinary, even for me. But I think that Aspen... Aspen fell into the fourth dimension,” he said looking at me wondering how I would respond.
“Is this some sort of joke to you? Do you think my story isn’t real? I want to get Aspen back just as much as her family, and I don’t need you making fun of me!” I yelled, standing up.
“No, no! I’m not making fun of you. I seriously believe this, and I told you, this case is out of the ordinary. Please, Caroline, sit down,” I sat since he didn’t seem like he was making fun of me.
I said one short word, “How?”
“Well, scientists and mathematicians have studied this for a long time, and they firmly believe that there is an... active fourth dimension. You see, it is almost like a black hole on earth. It opens for a fraction of a moment and in that mille-second acts as a black hole, sucking in all in its reach. It is phenomenal that your friend should have stood in that exact spot at that precise time. Now, we don’t know where this leads to or what it does to a person. But we do have a clue, you see, just like some people disappear this way some come this way. People have just shown up suddenly at seemingly random locations and times. All these people have claimed to have come from some time in the past. Most have been sent to insane asylums and such...”
“Wait,” I said, sitting at the edge of my seat. “So, you’re saying that Aspen fell into a sort of hole or mix up in the dimensions and time traveled?”
He thought for a moment, “Yes.”

Saturday, August 15, 2009

ASPEN- Chapter One

Hey, this is the first chapter of a book idea that I had. I'll post a chapter every week, so here is chapter one of the book Aspen. Enjoy!
Chapter One-Aspen
“Come oonnn, Aspen! We’re going to be late. You know your parents wanted you home before 3 so you could be there for your brother’s game,” I decided to just shove the rest of my stuff into my purse. Oh, by the way I was at Caroline’s family’s lake house for the week, that’s why I had such a butt load of stuff. I threw in my razor, shower gel, shampoo, conditioner, toothbrush (in a plastic baggie of course) and mini toothpaste tube, along with the stuff that was already in there. Which was my iPod, cell phone, camera, wallet, notepad, pen, and an old candy bar. I had a big purse. I ran outside just as Caroline’s dad ran in.
“Going to the bathroom, it’s a long ride,” he explained. I slowed as I reached Caroline and fell into a sitting position next to her, putting my overly-large purse in my lap. We both sat there for a second just looking at the lake.
“I’m going to miss this place. I always do, but then I remember I’m gonna come back next year and it will all be fine,” she was saying. I wasn’t really paying attention.
“Hey, let’s see who can chuck a rock farther into those woods there until your dad comes back,” I suggested.
“Sure,” she said, standing up and brushing off. I picked up a few stones about the same size. I threw first. My stones ended up going farther than her’s each time. Eventually we ran out.
“I’ll go get some more,” I said as I started walking off.
“No, I don’t want to play anymore,” she said.
“Please, just one more round?” I asked, pouting a little.
“You know the only reason you want to play more is because you have a better arm,” she said with a slight smile.
“Yeah, and you have a better brain.”
“Okay,” she grinned at my compliment. I started jogging towards the general area we had aimed for. Then all of the sudden, I felt like there was something pulling at me. Like I was being sucked into the ground or something. It’s hard to explain, but all I know is that I ended up here.
Here, is another forest. It seems denser than the one by the lake and I can’t hear or see Caroline. I know I didn’t walk that far. And now I am freaking out, because I have no idea where I am and what I am doing here. I guess I’ll try calming myself down and explain who I am. I am Aspen Rose, 16 years old. Junior at Blakely High. I do okay in school. I’m sort of in the middle, you know, not straight A’s but not failing. I have my driver’s license. I have long semi-curly black hair that reaches the arch in my back and black eyes. It sounds creepy but I don’t look that evil. I’m about 5'8’’ (I know that sounds weird too, but at least I have okay posture) I’m pretty slender if I do say so myself. I don’t do any sports but I like watching them. Oh, and my friend, Caroline, I told you about before is red-haired, green-eyed, and about 5’6’, she plays volleyball and track. She’s pretty cool, I mean, she’s my best friend. I call her C. I don’t have a boyfriend, but she does. He’s pretty cool, too, I guess. They’ve been going out for about a year now. Good for them, and I mean that. I am really hungry, I should probably see if I can find anyone here. Maybe they’ll have food.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Town Hall Meetings

I have heard so much news lately about these town hall meetings across the country, and I believe it is our duty as American citizens to fight for our rights. Yes, we are a free nation and we elect our government officials, but who's to say they won't be sly enough to navigate laws away from the freedoms we are founded upon? For example, passing bills before the American people have time to study and examine what they really say and making up more advising cabinets then the constitution specifies and allows. Have you ever wondered why some government officials (Obama) stray away from answering questions that get to the point of what they are doing exactly? Because what they are doing exactly is not constitutional. When the questions are not staged and someone really has a straightforward question that requires an honest and precise answer (like these town hall meetings) they edge farther and farther from the true answer. The right wing has had enough of trying to find the meaning of their words and wants the honest answer. We are trying to figure out what the government we put in place is doing with our freedoms, our money, and our jobs. I read in the POLITICO a report by Erika Lovley saying that the people at these meetings are just relieving stress and all that anger that is bottled up inside, that the government just has to wait until we can calm down into "civilized, calm debate". This is just the begining, and we will not calm down until we get our rights back and have truthful answers to our questions.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Cheer Camp And the Absence of Me

I just got back from cheerleading camp, and by the third day I was dying to hear about something other than boys, texting, and food (or the absence of it). I never really realized how much I depend upon my world of news, books, writing, and family. But on that third day I had to turn on Fox News and see if Obama said anything else stupid. Ooops, I should have collaborated my words differently! I didn't want to bring up the things that I am interested in, in case I sounded weird to the other girls, but then I started going crazy because I wasn't being myself. This post doesn't really have a main point except that, even if you are in a group of people that are totally different than you, be yourself or you will go insane! There will always be other people that have things in common with you. Whether you are really out there or more laid back just know that there will be at least one other person like you out there. So, until you find them, just be yourself so that you can find them. I guess what I am trying to say is that if you act like someone else to get friends that you will like, it won't happen. Period. Especially in high school. It may be hard to find others that have the same interests as you, but don't give up!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Obama taking over the nation

My dad and I watched President Obama's conference that is widely known today across America. Immediately when the president said that the police acted "stupidly", we knew that there would be big trouble. Obviously, the policemen were insulted and angry. Now, a lot of people have already written about this and I can see why, but it has overpowered another insulting aspect of Obama's words. (He just can't keep his mouth shut about stuff he doesn't know!) I was amazed when he accused doctors, in general across the nation, of not doing what they know is best for the patient, but doing what will bring in more money. I am just wondering how he knows this is true. He sure said it as such. He's probably just assuming that another one of his cheating friends from Chicago is just like every other doctor across the nation, too. Now, I don't know this for sure, but at least I am not saying it to the whole nation as fact and as the President of the United Sates! But then again, the White House is no longer the house of the American people but his house, and his lawn, and his czars (I mean "his personal advising cabinet above cabinet"), and his press, and he is God so I guess he can say this without knowing whether it is true or not. Along with passing bills he hasn't read, closing Guantanamo Bay, befriending and submitting to terrorists, opening the border, taking over health care, raising taxes through the roof, and, you know, just taking over the nation and telling everyone what they can and cannot do, Obama has really brought about change we can believe in!

Monday, July 20, 2009

5 Things To Know About Writing

1. Write for yourself. Do not try to please others in your writing. Write what you like and how you like. Every writer, just like every artist, has their own little touch. Be yourself in your writing, but do not mix this up with not having to take criticism or learn from other writers. That can help you be a well-rounded writer, too.
2. Charles Dickens once said that a writer must have the discipline of a soldier and the imagination of a child. Writing is hard and you have to work at it for a long time. Having the imagination of a child will help you come up with storylines easily, because you don't have to have any barriers. The whole world is open to you and at your fingertips when you are a child.
3. This one is my weakness. Learn to take criticism well. You can't afford to be spending your time moping about your writing getting torn to pieces. What you can afford to do is spend your time making it better so no one can shred it. The way that I feel sometimes is that I spent so much time on a work, then when someone critiques it so completely, I feel like it was a waste. Take it, not as someone trying to tear you down, but as someone lifting you up and making you better.
4. Just write. Write regularily and stick to it. This goes back to having the discipline of a soldier. Set a time for yourself when you know you will be focused and alert and able to get a lot done. Another point with this one is that when you hit a point when you don't know what to do next, write another part. If you are stuck on a chapter, skip to the next one, or write another part that you already have structured. Just write something!
5. Be patient. Know that your first works will probably not get published or even noticed by anyone. Don't expect results with the first 10 things. Refering back to 4, just write them. And refering back to 2, along with the discipline of a soldier, you have to have the heart of one also. Plow your way into writing and only care about that, not what others are going to do or say about it. Make yourself reach your goals. Set high standards for yourself and reach them. Some people just aren't cut out for writing, but you won't know until you try, try, and try again.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Guys and music- same dif?

Finding a good guy for a good relationship is like finding one of your favorite songs. Every girl has her own type of guy she likes just like she has her own type of songs.
Some guys are like new popular songs that catch your eye for a while but then kind of fade when the new best thing comes out. It can be nice to know these guys as friends, but always take your time and find out who they really are first.
Other guys can be like good classics that never get old. If after a while you feel like that is the kinda guy he is, then you could try to have a more serious relationship with him. He'll never bore you!
Remember! Even if your sister or friend really like one genre of guy, that doesn't mean you have to like him too. But it is always helpfull to take feedback on your choices from your family and friends. This prevents fights about a guy they know isn't good for you. Parents and others older than you are just trying to help you using their experience, not pick a fight everytime the topic of guys comes up.
Every while just take some time to sit back and "listen to some tunes" find out or remember what sort of guy gets your attention. Sometimes you may like all different genres and artists. Everyone is different.
All in all apply these three tips in searching for a guy.
1. find out which kind of "song" you like
2. take time to discover what he's really like with you and others
3. and willfully take advice from your family and friends. Especially your parents - they know what's best for you!

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Everyone is talking about it. It even has people reading again! And Edward's good looks aren't really detering anyone. You probably already know what I'm talking about. Twilight. I think that with it being a series it really has people interested. Mainly teenage girls. But who can resist a blood-sucking, extremely powerful vampire? I mean they're totally in this season. What can I write about it that others haven't already written? Well first of all I can genuinely say that I am excited for New Moon to come out. I haven't read the books, just because it is such a fad. And i probably couldn't if i tried. They are all checked out at the library. But I really want to see your comments on the books and movie. I don't know much about it. So please comment!

High school pressure

It may seem like everyone is doing it, and in all actuality, most teens probably are. Sometimes it can be easy to fall into the status quo of parties, drinking, drugs, and sex. And difficult to remember why you decided to stay away from all of them. Here are a couple points to help the teens out there keep their decision strong.
I'll be blunt. For one, you won't have to worry about condoms, birth-control, abortions, or having a baby when you are just plain not ready. Many teens think that pregnancy could never happen to them, and if they get pregnant, they can just get an abortion. Right? No. Both of these occurances can be life changing an depressing, so just stay away from it all together.
Imagine this, you're at a party, and you know some drinking is going on, but you think you're okay because you yourself aren't drinking anything. Then some guys get roudy in the hall and one of them looks at you. When he walks over, you can tell by his breath that he's been drinking, a lot.
Okay, stop. You have two choices. Either stay, and see what happens. Hey, it could be an exciting night! Or leave right now before something really goes wrong.
In the end you know what the better choice is. You will feel in control of yourself and much better that you didn't fall into the traps of alcohol, drugs, or sex.
Point number two. You, along with others, will be proud of yourself. A lot of kids do this stuff and don't tell their parents, but still live with the guilt. You can be proud of yourself and guilt free if you stay to the rules and goals you and your parents set for you.
Remember that talk your dad had with you about how proud he is of you? And how glad he is that you aren't like a lot of kids your age, because he knows you love him and your mom so much and you would never do anything to hurt them? Yeah. And remember how guilty you felt when you realized he wouldn't be oh-so-proud-dad if he really knew what you were up to?
Again, just stay away from it. It can be extremely hard to do so, but in the end isn't it worth it?
That brings me to my last point. Later in life you will have set a good example for your kids. You can plan to have a child when you are settled down and able to support one. When they get to be teens, you can explain to them how much better you felt. And just how proud you were of yourself when you pleased your family, and had time to focus on other things like friends, sports, acedemics, college, and a carreer.